A cheerful Giver!

I am sometimes selfish, it is one of my weaknesses as a person. I pray that God gives me a selfless heart so that i can give, and not just give but give with a joyful heart. When we are being charitable, it is important not to grumble inwardly but to give freely with joy.

I know it is hard because it goes against our selfish nature but truth be told, it feels good to help out someone in need. We hold on to so many things that we do not need anymore. Our basements and storage spaces are filled with things we may not need anymore but we just keep holding on to them. However one important thing to note when being charitable especially when giving away things is, you need to respect the dignity of the person receiving. Do not give them torn clothing, or things that are basically best thrown out in the trash!

Lets also understand that people receiving are human beings and we all want to receive good things. A priest once told me that when we are giving, we should give something that hurts us to lose or even something new. Lets us try to be cheerful givers. God bless you!

PS: Giving away things because they are completely worn out and worthless is not charity and is a slap in the face to the needy.


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