New Beginnings

Happy New year! It is a new year 2015 and thank God we made it to another year, so many did not! As we begin this year let us make plans for prosperity or resolutions or things we have been putting off doing because we are lazy. Let us be firm in our resolutions. However we must always accept that life almost never goes the way we planned it or hoped for, it is often better though than we had thought it would be.

Life is never going to be a straight path or easy. This year will come with a new set of challenges and problems mixed in with opportunities and beautiful moments. Life is bittersweet. Let us approach this new year with hope and determination to get through the year and become even better people. Take a look at your life and say to yourself, "how can i be better this year?" You may not be where you want to be at your age but there has to be some kind of progress in your life. You have to at least be different from how you were last year.

This year make it a point to draw closer to God and entrust him with your plans. God bless you all!


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