
I have been very anxious at work this week about a work issue that has not yet been resolved but am trying to be patient. I think being anxious is very common especially among young people. We usually want things done right now and in this era of technology where we have "fast foods" and "instant coffee", we expect things to get done right away. However we need to learn to accept that patience is a good thing. ("but oh so painful")

Sometimes, in order to get something done right, you have to take your time or it ends up going horribly wrong. Patience also builds character and helps you keep calm in stressful situations. Think about some people like farmers who have to wait patiently for their crop or livestock to mature. What about that tailor who has to patiently hand stitch those beautiful designs? what about that scientist who had to patiently invent something after so many failed attempts? The list goes on and on.

We all are anxious at some point in our lives but we need to curb "unnecessary anxiety." worrying about something does not make it better. Exercise some patience and you will see the reward sooner or later! God bless you all!


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