Life is short, have an affair!

I was reading an article last week about a scandal involving some government officials using time at work and official work addresses to engage in affairs using a site called ashley Madison.  Ashley Madison is a website with a slogan that say's "life is short, have an affair." My my, my initial reaction was seriously? I was honestly at a loss for words.

We live in a world today which encourages vice and frowns on virtue. These days if you are a virgin then there must be something wrong with you but if you are having an affair and "smart" enough not to get caught, then you are the man or woman. (wooohoo!) We honestly pat people on the back for being duplicitous with their spouses!

Marriage will never be easy and i understand that we are human and capable of making mistakes but if you choose to cheat on your spouse just because its thrilling and exciting , there are no excuses for that! Think about your children and the kind of example you are setting for them and think about all the heartache and bitterness that will eventually result from broken families.

Your choices in life define you so keep that in mind before you cheat! God bless you all!


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