
I am not referring to the holiday in the united states which celebrates the peace between the Indians and the settlers. (i think) I do not know so much about the thanksgiving holiday but that's the general idea i have. Anyway i am referring to the virtue of gratitude, especially in the seemingly "small things" in life.

Today i woke up, had breakfast, went to work. How many people are not able to get up out of their beds for months, or even years? How many do not have jobs? How many wake up hungry with nothing to eat? I cant help but feel truly blessed by God and how much thanks do i owe him? We all have something in our lives to be thankful for. Some people it seems might have more but that is just what it is , an assumption that they have more than you!

Let us all learn to be thankful for the wonderful little things that we all have and lets learn to appreciate what we have in life, lemons and all! God bless you all!


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