Planned Parenthood

There has been so much controversy over planned parenthood in the recent past, i don't even know where to begin. From the shocking and utterly repulsive discovery of selling baby parts to improper disposal of the aborted fetuses , and the list goes on! I honestly don't know how some people wake up and go to work there with that heavily weighing on their conscience.

I know in life we are sometimes faced with difficult choices. We have to earn a living for ourselves and our families. Working hard is important but you need to ask yourself whether it is worth it. Would you be setting the right example for your children? Does it feel right to earn a living no matter the cost or the consequences to others?

Our choices in life define us. Mother Theresa once said  "It is wrong to end a life so that we can choose to live as we please", obviously in reference to abortion. Whatever your reasons are, there is no way to justify ending the life of an innocent child, even to save your own! I think being a parent means willing to sacrifice your life for the life of your child! It is hard i know but that's what it means to be a good parent, giving your child their best chance. Are you doing that by killing that child even before it takes its first steps in life? May God who has made you co-creators as parents, grant you the grace to persevere and bring up the gift of your children in love. Amen


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