Small things done with great love!

Mother Theresa is quoted as saying, "do not strive to do great things, do small things with great love!" Those are words of wisdom that can make our lives better if we accept them. The world makes it seem as if you must do "great" things in order to make your mark but its the "little" things in life, the things we do not see that really matter in the end.

Even simple tasks like cleaning, washing clothes or cooking when done with love for neighbor and God , have such profound merit in God's eyes! How many of us smiled at someone today or extended a greeting to a stranger or even your neighbor? We often have frowns on our faces and the tasks we do throughout the day are done grudgingly, while dragging our feet!

Lets all make an effort to do even the simplest of tasks with joy in our hearts and a cheery disposition. Lets smile and be courteous to those around us especially those who are down and in despair. God bless you all!


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