The mass!

As Christians, we are always looking for ways to deepen our faith, for encounters and signs from our God, that he loves us, that he is watching over us, that he hears our cries! As Catholics especially, we need look no further than Holy mass to truly encounter our God. We do not realize how many graces we receive when we attend mass or how much Jesus in the Eucharist longs to unite his divine majesty with our nothingness!

Oh how much it humbles me, to realize that God wants to be united to me, a mere vapor in the wind. We are nothing but misery and filth, and yet God's mercy is infinite and in is mercy, he redeems our misery and makes our souls take on the beauty of his majesty. Oh to be a prince and princess in his kingdom, that is God's greatest desire for you, to save you and make your truly his children!

In the mass, God humbles himself once more by taking the form of bread but do not be fooled, at the moment of consecration, that "bread" is transformed into the body, blood, soul and dvinity of Jesus Christ, our God is truly present in our midst. Jesus never ever wanted to be apart from us so he made himself a prisoner of love in the Eucharist. I am speechless at God' love for us, we cannot fathom it but lets accept it and live for him who truly loves us!

Will you not go to him in the mass?


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