Unfathomable Divine Mercy

Last Sunday was the feast of mercy and we are currently living in the year declared by pope Francis I to be the year of mercy! Do we realize what a great grace we have received from God? to be in the year of mercy and to actually celebrate a feast of mercy in the same year declared as a special year of mercy?

In case you have not heard about divine mercy devotion given to us by God through St. Faustina kowalska, a polish nun, let me enlighten you in my own simple words. Private Revelations are not a mandatory deposit of faith as stipulated by the roman Catholic church. However it is advisable to take the good and leave the rest. Jesus came to save us and our salvation is what he desires most! He however will not save us without our own co-operation. He wants our love given freely and that is the only way he will save you!

Mercy is truly God's greatest attribute. In the new testament there are numerous accounts of Jesus mercy whenever he interacted with the people. One of the most notable ones for me is, the woman caught in adultery whom Jesus does not condemn! How many times must he reach out to us before we realize that all he wants to do is to save us?

When i think about the mercy of God, i am overwhelmed! I am so unworthy of his love and mercy but he offers me his heart all the same and all he requires of me is humble trust that he will save me!
The doors of mercy have been flung wide open but there will soon be a time of justice. Jesus would rather you come to him out of love than out of fear. If you will not pass through the door of his mercy, you will go through his justice and trust me, you will not escape his wrath!

Do not be afraid to approach the throne of mercy, have recourse to his merciful heart and say, Jesus i trust in you, Save me! Please recite the chaplet of mercy everyday for peace and for God's love to reign in this broken world! God bless you all!


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