Looking back

Here, i am referring to those who while wanting to serve God, are often stifled by attachements to the world and people. In last sunday's Gospel, Jesus made it clear that you cannot serve him dutifully while staying attached to the things of this world.

We all have an attachment to someone or something in this world and how easy it is to become swept up by material things. We all want love in our lives and how easy it is to feel like the love we get from others is the most wondeful thing there is in life!

How easy we forget that God's love is the most important thing in life and how easy we try to replace his love with things and comforts from other people. We are only fooling ourselves. God's love which is true requires us to sacrifice everything for him who is our everything. He gave up everything for us, isnt it fair that we should give up everything for him?

It is a hard thing for all of us to give up everything we want and love for love of him but when you think about it, you will realise that there is nothing too hard when it comes to love. We will do just about anything for the ones we love. He loved us even while we were evil, he loves us still even now! Love gives strength and courage for the tough road ahead.  How will you respond to such love? Does it not warm you hardened hearts?


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