Choosing the better part!

Yesterday's Gospel was a reading about how Mary ,sister of Martha chose to liseten to Jesus instead of worrying about food preparations and thus chose the better part! In life we are always worrying over certain things and circumstances but we need to ask oursleves, why the fuss?

Our lives are often filled with choices and options and sometimes it even makes it  difficult to decide. Take the example of buying coffee. These days there are so many different types of coffee, it would make your head spin and people sometimes get pissed when the waiter gets the order wrong! (sigh)

Mary chooses between all that nosense, so to speak and realizes what is useful and important and leaves the fuss to her sister Martha. The voice of God is the most important thing in life and we need to be silent in order to hear it. You cannot hear God speak when you are drowning in useless trivial pursuits. Mary chose the better part, what will your choice be? God bess you all!


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