
We are lving in an age which may or may not be the end of an era, that much i cannot deny. However we need to be very careful and seek the spirit of deiscernment when dealing with the so called prophets of our time. Yes, the gift of prophecy is one of the gifts of the spirit but we have to be careful so that we a re not misled by false prophets.

There are  alot of messgaes and reports of so called visions about the end of times and the world coming to an end. Yes, indeed the world will come to an end but i recall the words that Jesus said whren he states that no one knows the hour or the day when the world will end except for the father. He also says that the end will come at a time when we least expect it.

We are definitelty living in a historic time for the world and the chiurch but for those eagerly seeking the end of the world, are we truly ready? Have we fulfilled God's purpose for our lives here on earth? We nned to ask ourselves those questions and take a hard look at our lives. It is importqant to pay attaention to the signs but more so to the way we are livng our lives. May ther immaculate heart of Mary triumph and peace reign on earth! Amen.


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