The cross of the redeemer!

On wednesday this week, we celebrated the feast of the exaltation of the cross. I write celebrate in a mxed way because through the cross we were saved and yet it was such a terrible suffering for the one who bought us our freedom. Whenever i meditate on the words of isaiah " he was crushed for our iniquities, by his stripes, we are healed", i shudder at the price that had to be paid.

Yes, let it move our cold hearts! The price that was paid by our saviour was his blood. He was indeed crushed like the wine press crushes a grape. Stripes is a mild word for what a scourging is supposed to be. Scourgings were quite long and very painful. His body was practically torn into bits by the scourges , not to mention the humiliation.

" I will set my face like flint and i know i shall not be shamed". Our savior humbled himself and accepted the most cruel death and endured the most cruel insults, all so he could save us! Can you imagine being God and letting the misery and filth that is humanity spit on your face nad tear at your beard? He forgave us even while enduring the worst torments and isults from us. He truly is the suffering servant who finds favor with God. Remember what Jesus endured for you when next you sin  and fall on your knees in true contrition and ask his pardon. Love endures everything but God's love and Mercy is unfathomable. Jesus, i trust in you!


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