A faith that endures!

Yesterday was the feast of St. Peter's chair. I see alot of myself and humanity in the peter before Christ's death. He truly loved Jesus above all things but he was still so impetuous and weighed down by our human weaknesses. But Jesus was patient with him and entrusted him the leadership of his church.

St. Peter's basilica in Rome is actually built on the ossified bones of peter the apostle. Jesus words are always true and absolute. "You are Peter and on this rock, i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." We hear alot about the catholic church in the media and around us. Some people are even speaking of a schism within the church and accusing the pope of heresy.

As Catholic christians, our duty is to pray for the church and the pope and direct our efforts towards unity not division. We all know that division comes from the evil one. May you pour out your Holy Spirit on your church Lord and keep us united in love and service towards you and our neighbor!  Bless the vicar of christ (the pope) and help him to shepherd your flock(the church)! Amen.


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