Blood is sacred!

Last week, one of the pillars of our community in kampala, a senior police officer was brutally murdered by hit men who shot him and his driver as he left for work. No one should lose their lives senselessy regardless of what position they hold in society. All human life is dignified and human blood is sacred!

People do not realize that the blood that was spilt cries out to God for vengeance and the lord says "vengeance is mine!" He is survuved by his pregnant widow and their little children. It is heartbreaking indeed, how can a human being do that to another human being? How heartless can you be? Our local priest gave us the answer in his homily. It is because people are so far removed from God.

Our world has continued to spiral despite our so called progress and technological advancement. When we shut God out, this is what happens. We are even worse than beasts and animals! What a shame indeed! Let us be reminded this lent to turn back to him who gives peace and life. Turn back to God through Jesus Christ. He is the only remedy for a world so ill!


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