Love and expectations!

I like the quote i read today on my cousins's profile photo on whats app. It is a quote from Rashawn Copeland that says, " There's a beauty in being rejected, misunderstood, unseen and unsupported by teaches you to rely on God for everything."

It is abit sad but depending on how you look at it, true and inspiring!  To be honest, i learnt again recently, that the only person, you csn rely on is God and yourself!  People will always disappoint you. If you want to expect something , then expect that. It is however not an excuse for people to trat you badly anf get away with it. If someone has done something that offends or hurts you, speak up!

No one is perfect, dont expect that people will treat you well and care for you, even those closest to you like famuly. In life, we need to be realistic and not have too many expectations from people. Sometimes you find someone who you can trust and who loves you and they are very rare indeed but even people like that will hurt you!  There is no world in where you can escape heartbreak and disappointment. Learn from it and move on and most importantly forgive and dont let it make you bitter! God bless you all!


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