Choose your battles!

Yesterday's Gospel reading in church was about Jesus teaching on revenge. Jesus says do not take an eye for an eye. If someone slaps you, turn the other cheek as well! Honeslty as human beings its very difficult to do that but when you sit and reflect for a monent, you will realise the wisdom behind Christ's words.

You do not need to fight every single battle in life! Let God fight for you, he knows best how to fight for you! Sometimes its best to be silent when faced with confrontations. Dont give in to anger when someone hurts or insults you. Our first impulse is usually to lash out. We need to learn how to respond to situations and people not just react blindly. It is how we respond that creates chaos or peace!

Its not worth it being bitter and festering resentment in our hearts over something someone did or didnt do to us. Let it go. You are actually stronger when you do not react in anger. It takes a lot of strength to be the better person and it actually gives the aggressor pause. It makes them think again and can bring about real change in them! Lord, let me learn to be sitll and know that you are God! Amen.


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