Receiving God with a pure heart.....

In this season of advent, we as christians are all waiting with joy for the birth of Christ! It is indeed an ocassion to rejoice on christmas. For we were once slaves to sin and death, but now we are free thanks to his coming! But do we often reflect that Jesus comes to us every day in the sacrament of the eucharist. Are we ready to receive him?

The Eucharist is a mystery of the church. Jesus loves us so much that even after he died and resurrected and ascended to the father, he did not want to ever be apart from us. He made it so that every time mass is said and the priest consecrates the host, it is transformed into his essence. He is truly present in the eucharist as true God and true man!

Many catholics and other christians, doubt the presence of Jesus in the eucharist. Its even more heartbreaking that even some priests and religious doubt this as well. I am a sinner and i know it but i am forever grateful to God for making himself a "prisoner of love." He is present in all the tabernacles of the world and he waits for us day and night but how many visit him? How many will sit with him even just for a few minutes?

We offend him daily and often times we receive him unworthily! It is not right to receive the eucharist with an unrepentant heart full of sin and without any consideration for our Lord. First approach the priest in the sacrament of penance. Then try to make amends with your brothers, forgive and seek forgiveness for faults on your part. Try to approach Our Lord with a pure heart and with confidence! He understands our weaknesses but we need to make an effort. Do not presume on his mercy and show him the respect he is due as God! He is all love but we risk his wrath and judgement when we recive him unworthily!

Lord, your grace and love amaze me. I cannot fathom how much you love us, even to the point of making yourself a prisoner of Love! Help me to receive you with a clean heart! Amen.


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