Come Holy spirit.........

Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of the earth! Sunday will be pentecost and a great feast to remember the first descent of the Spirit in Jerusalem so many years ago. But it is not only ceremonial, the earth is in need of the comforter, the spirit of love and truth. We are in desperate need of God's wisdom and love!

Take a look at the world now and ponder about the situation we are living in. Wars are increasing and the threat of another world war is ever looming due to global tensions with "world powers". The humanitarian crisis is devastating in Syria, in Sudan, in Congo..etc. Christians are being persecuted for their faith all over the world. Abortion and euthanasia are being gradually accepted as well as "gay marriage". Our leaders have failed us and seem to pursue selfish interests. The number of homeless people and unemployed increases every year and so many die of hunger! The earth is also seemingly unstable with numerous earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and destructive rains and winter storms. I could go on and on......feels like a  spiral into chaos!

I do not choose to focus on that, but i will not close my eyes to reality either! We are living in troublesome times indeed and the world has chosen to move itself further and further away from God. What do we expect? This is what a Godless world looks like! We need to open our eyes and return to the light that is God. Come Holy Spirit and set the world on fire with God's love! Amen


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