What is my legacy?

We often times do not want to think about death but it is a part of our lives and when we think about death, it forces us to think about how we have lived our lives! What is your true legacy? What will you leave behind even after your are gone? I believe in life after death but that life will be greatly determined by the lives we have lived here on earth!

Recently i was watching a video showing a speech given by Oprah winfrey at a college graduation. In this speech, Oprah gave a wonderful speech about life and legacy. She says being wealthy and able to buy so many material things will NOT fulfill you! Living a life of service, of giving ones whole self to others, will!

She also says she once had a conversation with Maya Angelou in which she tells her that her legacy will be the school she built in South Africa. Maya replies with great wisdom and says, "you have no idea what your legacy will be!" Oprah then says she wants to leave the audience with the final words of wisdom, "your legacy will be every life you have touched"

How many lives have you touched? How many times have you seen someone in desperate need and turned your back on them? How many have you seen in tears and needing comfort but let yourself be indifferent? I know i haven't done enough, not even close! Today i make the choice to live a life of serving others and i will try my best everyday to renew that! I leave you with the example of Jesus Christ, "I am among you as one who serves". God bless you all!


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