Exercising your faith...........

Yesterday, i was reminded in the homily of a priest in my local church about the value of faith! He demonstrated it with a simple example about how people build their muscles when they go to the gym! If you do not use what you have, you will lose it!

Jesus says, "all things are possible for him who believes". In yesterday's Gospel reading, a man has a child afflicted with a deaf and mute demon. This demon has tormented him since childhood and he comes to the lord with faith. But he also responds, "I believe Lord , help my unbelief". I know how hard it can be to live by faith especially when you are faced with terrible odds!

All of us have situations in our lives that test us to our core! I know i do and many times i have thought why me? As my priest reminded me, i am not the first one to go through what i am going through and i need not project other people's situations and let anxiety get the best of me. I need not compare my life to anyone else because every one has his or her own unique journey in life!

Lord, today i make the decision to put all my hopes, desires and dreams in your hands. I surrender them completely to you and i ask that you help my unbelief! Let me be still and know that you are God in all things! Amen.


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