Is Feminism really pro-woman?

Let us take a moment to think about whether feminism especially the radicalized kind is truly about helping women! In our times feminism has risen with the supposed goal of uplifting women's status in society and ensuring that women's rights are protected. However i am left to wonder what the true agenda of feminists really is!

We have lived in a patriarchal society for a very long time. Yes, it is true that the male gender was given so much more priority over the female gender and still is in some societies and countries. I stand firmly against discrimination and it was and is wrong to value one sex above the other. Radical feminists do not realize that they are doing the same thing now. They are trying to put the value of women above the value of men and thus the scale of gender equality will not be balanced!

I have been reading theology of the body by St. John Paul II and i must say it is a true eye opener! It makes us come to the realization that man was created, both male and female equal in God's eyes and to complement one another. The fall of man distorts this and causes many of the issues we see now between man and woman!(I will write about it at a later time) Women are being encouraged today to be in control of their own bodies and lives. Hence the rise of abortions and contraception since the 1960's. We should have the right to choose so the feminists say but i wonder has this really helped women? Or has it led to an even greater objectification of the female gender promoted everywhere as the norm in society today? (pornography)

The book "the Anti Mary exposed" by Carrie Gress is a must read as we try to save our cultures today from toxic femininity! Our model must always be the blessed Virgin Mary. We must look to her for all the qualities perfect in woman and seek her urgent intercession to restore the lost dignity of woman caused by our fall from grace! " O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have to recourse to thee"


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