The good things you do.....

I received a story about a good deed done long ago that yielded very wonderful results. The summary is that an ailing child was saved by the kindness of  a doctor and grew up to be a prime Minister. His mother begged the doctor on that stormy  night to help her and he did not even take the payment she offered as he could see her circumstances!

Its such a far cry from the doctors we have today! It makes me sad and angry indeed that sometimes someone can be dying but many doctors will look the other way if they cannot be paid for their services. (especially here in Africa and my own country Uganda) Whenever you do good, it is never a waste! The good you do will always come back to you in one way or another. God never forgets charity and he will reward you beyond your imagining!

I also struggle with selfishness as it is human nature but God gives me the strength to overcome it. We all need to make an effort to do something good everyday, even just a smile or a kind word can go a long way with someone who is feeling down and out of luck! Have you ever noticed how your heart feels lighter when you help someone? Have you ever felt the light rushing in, overcoming the darkness? The joy is always greater in giving than in receiving. God bless you all!


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