He fills the hungry with good things..........

"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven!" Oh how i wish we would all be poor in spirit and empty ourselves of all worldliness so we could receive the graces God longs to give us  to overflowing! The Assumption of Mary is one of the greatest Marian feasts and on this day (celebrated annually on the 15th of August), i reflect on the words of the Magnificat!

Mary is the greatest of all God's creation, she is truly God's masterpiece and all because she humbled herself before God and men! Mary was blessed from the moment of her conception (immaculate) and filled with supernatural grace. Mary is also created with bodily perfection (i believe) and is the most beautiful of creation. However Mary remains humble throughout her life, at the words of archangel Gabriel, she replies "I am the handmaid of the lord"....and thus she remains throughout her earthly life even though she was the daughter of the Father, Mother of the word and chaste spouse of the Spirit!

I marvel at you mother, oh how you inspire me! Mary was just like you and me but co operated fully with God and used his grace to fulfill her purpose in God's divine plan! In the words of the Magnificat , we see how Mary responds to the favor that God has shown her ....always with humility, gratitude and total submission to the will of God! Yes, indeed all nations and peoples call you blessed and God deigned in his goodness that the body that remained sinless would not suffer the fate of all mortal men. At the end of your earthly life, God carried your immaculate flesh to be joined to your immaculate soul into the empyrean and on your head which had never known pride, he placed the crown of everlasting glory. Hail Queen of all creation........Ave Maria,Regina Caeli! O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee! Amen.


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