Collateral damage........

I first learnt about collateral damage while watching a TV show but those in the military and top leadership positions of the world are familiar with it. I try to understand that leadership often times means making tough choices under pressure but isn't every human life invaluable?

US Iran tensions flared up after one of their top generals (Qassem Soleimani) was killed in drone strike authorized by US President Donald Trump. A few days later, a Ukraine international passenger plane was shot down by a missile in Iran shortly after take off. All actions have consequences and the actions of the US President indirectly led to this. I think he needs to consider that part of their blood is on his hands!

It is unfortunate that the innocent always suffer for the actions of the elite leaders. There is a proverb that says "when Elephant fight, the grass suffers". I have never been in a position of leading a country or state but i must say, we expect better from our leaders! Leaders should be held accountable for their actions to an even higher standard because their actions directly and indirectly affect the lives of so many people. They need to THINK hard and seek advice before they ACT!

Our prayers and thoughts are with the families of all those lost in the so called collateral damage! Let us pray that our leaders may follow the example of Christ who is meek and humble of heart. Let them have as their motto "I am among you as one who serves" Amen.


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