Covid 19....a true test to Humanity!

My country Uganda became the latest country to go on semi lock down yesterday as per the President's instructions. Mass gatherings of people have been banned and schools closed for 32 days pending review of the situation. Most of Europe is already on lock down and many countries all over the world have closed borders and banned foreigners from entering!

I had never lived in a pandemic before until now. The previous pandemic was the influenza of 1920 which killed an estimated 50 million people around the world. I can imagine that's a truly frightening number but covid 19 has caused such chaos, such panic and brought out the worst in people! We are now creating divisions based on how many cases have been discovered in certain countries and people from those countries have now become "persona non grata" We need to stand together in this situation. While i understand how bad the situation is, i think we need to handle it with more sensitivity. Lets not trade insults or assault those who are perceived to have the worst infection rates!

To be honest, i believe China owes the world an apology and so does WHO. The way they handled the outbreak in the beginning was very lax. Some people say they actually new the severity of the virus and how contagious it could be but because China covered it up for a while and WHO was reluctant to impose stricter measures for China, we have a pandemic on our hands! Leaders are always held to a higher level of accountability and in this case, they failed us!

Reports from Italy and Iran are worrying indeed and indicate a very high death toll of hundreds of people within 24 hours! That's not even counting the number who died in China undocumented! People around the world are starting to panic and looting of shops as well as hoarding supplies is increasing! Supermarket shelves are mostly empty of dry foods and disinfectants as well as toilet paper! Businesses are slowly grounding to a halt and most travel related companies are going bankrupt or nearing it! I have never seem such a bad situation in my years here on earth but i remain hopeful.

A world which has removed God from their lives is the one we are living in now! We need to REPENT and seek God's mercy. The Lord is merciful and just, he will hear us! Those who can please fast and pray daily for the end of this crisis. In God is our true and last hope! Amen.

“Jesus: ‘My child, life on earth is a struggle indeed; a great struggle for my kingdom.  But fear not, because you are not alone.  I am always supporting you, so lean on Me as you struggle, fearing nothing.  Take the vessel of trust and draw from the fountain of life – for yourself, but also for other souls, especially such as are distrustful of My goodness.’” (No. 1488) (divine mercy quote)


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