Filthy African Politics..........

 I received an interesting video on social media a while back featuring a priest speaking. In his homily he said many Africans enter politics as a means to get rich quickly without really working hard at all! As i pondered this, i realized just how true this is! In my own country Uganda we will soon have over 500 members of parliament and of course the burden of their expenditure will be borne by our already suffocating civil servants!

Its been a difficult year all over the world due to the pandemic of covid 19 and its ripple effect. People have lost their loved ones, their homes, their businesses, their jobs. At such a critical point in our lives we would hope that for one African Governments would support us. Just for once hoping that they would do the decent thing but our hopes have been in vain! I work in the Tourism industry which is shattered and struggling to rebuild post covid but our Government couldn't be bothered to support the Industry that earns it the most in foreign exchange earnings! Unbelievable!

There was also a scandal in the food distribution during the total lock down period with allegations of sub standard food and many saying they have never received the relief food! During all this i hoped that our "honorable" members of parliament and ministers would donate part of their huge salaries to the fight against covid but NO! I am appalled that our leaders have no sympathy of the people they claim to lead! What are they really doing at the top? Amassing large fortunes at the expense of the people and bleeding us dry with their greed! The cost of public administration is already too high and threatening to decimate this country. You reap what you sow and one day they will choke on their greed! Is their still a leader in Africa willing to fight for his people?

Lord.....I am among you as one who serves. May this always be the motto of our leaders! Amen.


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