Customer service standards and excellence

Today i was speaking to a certain airline staff about getting something confirmed by email. The response i got was "sorry we don't do that here"!. I was shocked to say the least. In this era of competition, how can you afford to even appear rude? I work in the service industry and customer service excellence is a must in my job!

We all have bad days, days when you just feel like you want to be left alone. We all have problems and things that affect our moods. However in a  business environment, you have to set those issues aside. Your work demands that you serve clients and make them feel great and comfortable so that they never go elsewhere. It is your job, suck it up! There is no excuse for being rude when you are in the service industry and trust me your competitors are more than ready to serve your clients even better than you so don't even think about getting complacent!

Some clients may even report you to your supervisor and there are tons of people out there who are looking for work and can even do the work better than you.


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