Prayer And Spirituality

Whether you are willing to admit it to yourself or not, there is a sense of something missing in our lives. Even if we are successful, have families, businesses, are happily married, educated, wealthy, we still feel like something is missing in our lives. I believe that you cannot experience true peace in your life until you seek out God. "Our hearts are restless until they rest in you" so said St. Augustine about God. St. Augustine is a man who spent his youth searching for truth in books and lived for all the pleasures of life. However he could never find peace in all those pursuits and it is only when he found God in his later years that he found happiness!

When i am praying, sometimes i get distracted because my mind keeps wandering to worries and many thoughts. That is why it is good to turn off your phone and look for a quiet place if you can and just pray. Some people say that it is hard to find words to pray or they do not know how to pray. God is always waiting to hear from you, just tell him the things that are on your mind, your worries, your hopes and dreams, your troubles. Talk to him like you would your best friend because God is everything to you and he never judges you. He knows your weaknesses and he cries with you when you suffer. I always feel an inner sense of peace when i pray. There is nothing more beautiful in this life than that.

For those who think you are not worthy of God's love and forgiveness, it is true. No one is worthy of God's love and we are all flawed. However mercy is God's greatest attribute. He longs to forgive you and to save you! That is why God came, To save you! God is just and justice demands reparation for sin but he is Loving Savior first. I encourage you to say the chaplet of Divine mercy for God's mercy and healing on earth.


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