Shades of gray!

When i was a child, things were much easier! I viewed things with that beautiful innocence that only children posess! People were either good or bad and their actions were other benevolent or malicious. Oh, how i long for those days of past innocence but alas, they are long gone! There is a reason human beings make flawed judgements, its because they are not able to see all the angles! That is why judgement is best reserved for God alone!

Life is in varying shades of gray, not black and white. I still find it difficult sometimes to accept people's actions. Honestly when i think about the people who murder in cold blood, i just cannot understand that! I recall the killing of innocent children in a kindergarten in the united states and i am at a loss for words! How can someone possibly justify that? What was going through their minds? Do they feel like you and me?

A million questions left unanswered! The truth is, we cannot understand all the actions other people do. We cannot know what triggered them or even the motive behind them. Only God can and only he knows best how to judge his children. Human justice is flawed and even sometimes sends good people to jail but leaves the guilty free. Another one of life's ironies that makes me sad and mad! Lord may your justice prevail always! We will be still and know that you are God! Amen


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