Rejoice oh highly favored!

That is the salutation addressed to the blessed virgin at the annunciation of our Lord's birth over 2000 years ago! Today, we celebrate the feast of the assumption, one of the greatest Marian feasts in church history. Hail, full of grace! Ponder on the greeting of arch angel Gabriel to Mary.

Mary is at first startled and unnerved by this greeting. She wonders why she is greeted as the "full of grace". Mary's wonderful humility shines through here. She cannot fathom how she, a mere creature of God,  can be full of grace. But oh, i marvel at her as the angel did. I cannot help but feel such pride for one so gracious as she, she is truly unparelled in all humanity.

Mary's fiat became our salvation. She humbly surrenders her whole being to the will of her God and her King. Do not think she does so lightly. She knows fully well the trials she will endure as mother of the redeemer. She recalls the words of Isaiah about the suffering servant, "he was chastised for our his stripes we are healed". But God's wll is everything to her, she gladly submits to it. "Be it done to me according to your word".

Oh Mary, because of your great virtue and in keeping with the will of God always, God deigned to grant you the grace of the glorification of the body before all men. You were taken both body and soul into heavenly glory. Your body which never sinned would not suffer the fate of all men, it was spared corruption and now you reign as Queen of all heaven and earth. Ave Maria. May you bring all your children home to reign with you. Amen.


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