When tragedy strikes!

We are still in the wake of hurricane Harvey that devastated Houston recently. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this disaster. May God be your strength and may he comfort you in your time of distress!

So called natural disasters have been a part of life as long as the world has existed and will probably continue till the world's end. When such disasters strike, we tend to blame God saying how could a God who is good allow such a thing to happen? Some people's faith is often tested and they ask "where is God?"

I often think of Horatio Spafford' s song "it is well with my soul", in such times. I marvel at how a man who lost his children and his business , in a short span of time could be so calm. He had just rcently  lost his first child, when he lost his business in the Chicago fire of 1871. A few years later he lost his daughters in as ship wreck and penned the hymn it is well with my soul.

Life often times throws us into the deep end. We can either choose to swim upwards against the tide or blame God and sink further downwards. How many people have died from tragedies caused by human beings themselves? How many have we lost to wars and acts of terror? Why must we always blame God? We need to look inwards and we will realise that we are to blame for many of life's tragedies.(think about the tragedy of abortion for which today many do not seem to butt an eye. How many millions of babies horrendously murdered in their mothers wombs?) Natural disasters are some of the things in life that we do not have an answer for.  Face  life's challenges head on, learn from them and move on! God bless you all!

PS: While i do think that natural disaters sometimes cannot be explained, i consider them a sign of the times. The earth seems to be groaning and the sins of makind have mulitiplied and the earth cries out to God for Justice. May God have mercy on us!


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