Living as a witness........

Here i am speaking of christians, living as witnesses to the good news. Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying " I like your Christ, not the christians." He was deeply touched by Christ's teachings and actions but we as christians have failed to emulate him.

I can understand why some people will not convert to christianity. We as christians are called to a higher example of life. Our actions must reflect Christ's teaching. It is not enough to call yourself christian, to read the bible and attend church every sunday. Its not enough to say many prayers every day. Jesus had already condemned the pharisees and scribes during his time for their false religiosity. "these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far away from me!"

The early christian church was very successful in winning over their adversaries and skeptics beacuse of the way they lived. They were true followers of christ's example. They had a spirit of charity and love for one another and concern for the wellbeing of their communities. They were united in love and not divided by prejudice and selfishness. Oh how i admire this church and how i pray that we can be like that once more. Lord, send your Spirit and renew the faith of the earth! Amen.


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