Waiting on the lord....

Patience isn't easy and i struggle with it all the time. Even on my way to work, i keep thinking the driver is wasting too much time stopping to pick up people. (which is sometimes true). Waiting in queues, i keep thinking "what's taking so long?" and the list goes on.....

I haven't got everything i ever wanted in life but i have definitely got some of the things i dreamt of just at the right moment in time. I realize now that there is a reason we need to be patient about many things in life. Not everything is good for you or helpful and you are not always in the right disposition to receive it.

There is a time for everything and everyone will receive what is right for them at the time appointed by God. All we have to do is to hope in the Lord. Padre Pio is quoted as saying "Pray , hope and dont worry, God is merciful, he will hear you." Tomorrow i will be going on a pilgrimage and i have faith that what i have been hoping for will finally be granted if it is in line with God's will. I will pray for all God's children in the world that our faith will be increased and he will answer our prayers. I pray that God will use my misery to bring Glory to his name. Lord increase our faith. Amen.


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