Devotion to our king......Jesus in the tabernacle!

Yesterday, the priest in my local church wanted to remind us of the sanctity of the mass! He started by using the saying "familiarity breeds contempt". This is very true indeed as we tend to take for granted people and situations that are of common occurence to us. We lose the true value of people and certain things which MUST never happen with the mass!

He reminded us of how many people spend days without access to a priest to say mass! Yet, we who have Jesus in our midst everyday are constantly DISTRACTED during mass. We are on our phones, sometimes using mass as an event to socialize with our friends or generally come to mass just to pass the time, or out of obligation when our hearts are not really present!

And oh, he reminded us about how we disrespect Jesus in the blessed sacrament! How many offenses against his sacred heart! We enter the mass as if we are walking into any other place. Jesus, king of kings is truly present in the tabernacle. We owe him all our respect , love and worship! He is our God and King and he is deserving of all our love and honor. We are meant to bow, for those who cannot make a proper genuflection on the right knee!

Let us especially catholics,  remember who it is we are going to encounter at mass! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Let us worship him with a true devotion of heart! All Glory honor and Power are yours Jesus Christ, now and forever. Amen.

PS: As catholics we should also remember never to receive Jesus in communion when we are in a state of mortal sin without first seeking forgiveness in the sacrament of penance! It is as if we are crucifying Jesus all over again!


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