Our encounters with suffering......

The saying goes "misery loves company", which is very true! In our everyday life, we meet suffering in many forms. No matter how much we may want to escape it, human suffering is and always will be part of our lives. We will do well to accept that but the question is, how do we respond to misery when we encounter it? Do we try to ignore it and pretend it doesnt exist?

I was recently reading an article about a cancer survivor and her experience with suffering. While she was struggling with chemotherapy, she looked out the window and observed many people going about their lives, seemingly unconcerned that she was in so much pain! Life must go on true, even in the midst of tragedy but how should we respond when we meet tragedy and sorrow?

We shouldnt feel guilty for being happy if our lives are going well. However we shouldnt ignore people we meet in everyday life who are suffering. We cannot do everything but we can do SOMETHING! A smile, or a word of encouragement goes a long way. To have a companion when suffering helps the one suffering to bear it! We may not be able to take away the source of their pain but we can help them to shoulder it.

There are also cases where someone survives a terrible tragedy that leaves many around them dead. They often ponder why they survived and how they should go on with their lives! You cannot blame them but some thing they can do is to try to reconnect with other people affected by the same tragedy or similar ones and give something back. God bless you all!


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