Comparison robs us of contentment..........

I recently received an inspirational video that focused on comparison. Basically the message was that we become depressed and envious when we compare our situations and lives to others! It also helps us to ponder why it seems that the people who have the most, are the most unhappy?

Everyone has a different journey and a different life story. The sooner we accept that, the better for us. There will always be someone smarter, wealthier, better looking or more talented than you! So what? Does that mean they are better people than you or that your life matters any less than theirs? No, your unique life has purpose and meaning whether you are an educated professor or a high school drop out!

Do not let comparison rob you of your joy and contentment. Instead of focusing on what others have thna you do not, focus on what you do have! There is no one on earth who has nothing to contribute. We all make life on earth beautiful and meaningful. We each have a purpose and a unique journey, discover yours and accept it and you will be fulfilled!

Ps: St. Augustine says "Our hearts are restless untill they rest in you!"I believe that a life without God has no meaning at all. Start with faith and you will achieve anything and everything!


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