The prince of this world...........

Recently, the church of satan was opened in Colombia. It is very heart breaking and continues to trouble my mind! The cult leader (Victor Damian Razo) claims they are not worshipping the devil, but Lucifer, the fallen angel expelled for his pride! Lucifer and Satan are the same person so i dont know who he is trying to deceive here!

I cannot understand how people can be so blind as to worship evil! Lucifer is evil incarnate and he is only capable of hatred and malice! Do not deceive yourself into thinking that there is any good in him. Some very misguided people think they should sympathise with his cause because he was "unjustly" judged by God. Angelic beings were created with full knowledge and thus his sin could not be forgiven. He knew fully well what he was doing when he rebelled against God!

Lucifer / Satan is the prince of this world but make no mistake, he is evil and only desires your downfall. He is an expert at deception and flattery so do not fall for his trap. Let us increase our prayers daily for those in bondage and those who are blindly following him! We were created for Love and our God only desires our salvation but we have a choice. If we chose to ally ourselves with Lucifer, then we shall have deserved his same fate!

He has already been defeated....the victory belongs to Jesus Christ. God has also seen fit to crush his head under the heel of the blessed virgin Mary. Who is like God indeed? God bless you all!


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