Living your mission.....

Last sunday's gospel touched on the mission Christ was giving to his dsiciples. He sent them to preach, heal and drive out demons throughout the countryside. As Christians, we need to remember that we each have a unique mission. We seem to have forgotten that or chosen to abandon it!

Look at the world today, take a good look and you will see how insensitive and apathetic we have become! Sometimes when something terrible like a murder or a senseless act of war takes place, we don't seem to be affected by it! I mean some people think to themselves, "too bad for them" and just shrug it off. Life goes on right?

As Christians, our mission means speaking out against injustice as well as keeping our actions in line with Christ's. Sometimes you cannot speak out but let your actions reveal who you are. It's such a shame and truly heartbreaking that often times many evils in society today are perpertrated by so called Christians! (sigh)

Let us all take up our crosses and live the mission God has given us! Lord, help us to fullfill your purpose and will in our lives every day. Amen


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