My Grace is enough for you...........

Paul in the new testament speaks of a "thorn in his side." An angel of satan sent to torment him. He asks the lord three times to remove it but the lord replies "my grace is enough for you for my power is greatest in a time of weakness".

God's ways are not our ways......we need to have a little more faith! (or alot more) Human beings are not perfect, we have many weaknesses! There is however often in life a situation that doesnt seem to get better no matter how much you try or pray. I have mine, to be honest it seems like a heavy cross but i want to keep fighting everyday!

I visited Kibeho (a remote town in rwanda) last year in October. It is famous for the first approved appartions of the virgin Mary in Africa. Our lady's message to the world is that we must embrace our crosses with humility, patience and love. We cannot hope to reach heaven one day if we do not carry the cross and follow Christ!

Lord, help us everday to embrace our crosses with love and faith. Help us to walk the narrow path! Amen.


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