Blessings are often disguised...........

Many times what we truly desire is right before our eyes but often disguised in someone or something unexpected! The little mermaid is one of my favorite classic cartoons. (I can relate to it personally in a certain way) There is a scene where the mermaid saves the prince from drowning and sings to him, only to disappear as he recovers conciousness. The memory of her voice intrigues him and he vows to find her and marry her! To cut a long story short, she eventually gives up her voice for the chance to walk on land and when the prince finally finds her , she cannot tell him who she is because she is mute. In one of the scenes, the prince's butler tells him , "Far more than any dream girl is one of flesh and blood, and right before your eyes"

That has always stuck with me. Sometimes we are searching for a dream and reality is passing us by! As the priest in my local church said when reflecting on the reading about the good samaritan , "often times the person we least expected to help us in our hour of need is the one who comes to our aid!" You can never know where your blessing will come from and it is usually unexpected. Live your life open to receive God's blessing even from strangers! God bless you all!


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