Something greater than Solomon is here............

Catholic Mass is the holiest event on earth! Masses are offered daily in the catholic church but do we often stop to reflect on this marvel or have we allowed ourselves to lose sight of the wonder that is God coming down to earth? St. Pio of pietricina used to tremble during mass and even become teary eyed at the Gospel reading. He was a true example of reverence before Jesus in the blessed sacrament and brought us to a higher reflection on mass.

Mass is truly the sacrifice of Jesus being crucified at the altar and coming down from heaven at the time of consecration so that the host becomes his body, blood, soul and divinity! Only Catholic priests have the power to consecrate a host! Oh if we only knew what a treasure we have in the Catholic Church! To have God come down to unite his magnificence to our nothingness! There are no words..................

The Pharisees and the scribes were blinded by their pride and could not see who Jesus really was so he said to them that at the judgement, the queen of sheba would judge their generation as she had moved a long journey from the south to hear Solomon's wisdom but something much greater than Solomon was in their midst! Catholics everywhere need to renew their faith, love and devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist! We are always searching for blessings and spend all our efforts, time and mind on our jobs, on family and pleasure and yet we often neglect mass and have no reverence for Jesus in the eucharist? We have put more emphasis on the "gifts" than on the source of the gifts!

I end with the words from the song "who am i" by casting crowns....."who am i, that the lord of all the earth, would care to know my name"? Stop to ponder that! God bless you all!


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