End of Days..........

That was the title of one of the popular movies of 1999. It echoed the speculation and anxiety about the year 2000 AD. For a long time, humanity has been obsessed with the conclusion of our time on earth. Will it be a cataclysmic event that wipes out all life? Will it be as described in the apocalypse, with changes in the atmosphere and great signs in the sky, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions! Some "charismatic" people have even used this anxiety to lead many to their untimely deaths! (sigh)

In my own country Uganda, there was a group led by a former Catholic priest(Joseph Kibewteere) and Nun (Credonia Mwerinde) that misled hundreds of people with their false visions of the Virgin Mary and the apocalypse, utlitmately murdering them by burning, strangulation and poisoning. Some of their victims were innocent children!

Jesus already warns us of unnecessary anxiety over his coming. He already told us not to be swayed by the tongues and works of false prophets! I admire and have great respect for the Catholic Church and her process in evaluating private revelations. She has always insisted that the revelation of the Bible is sufficient and while private revelations may be useful, it is not required to believe in their message. The Catholic Church has very rigorous requirements before a private revelation can be endorsed as worthy of belief and we can see why!

Too many have already been lost and led astray by people who have interpreted scripture to suit their false beliefs and purposes! Jesus already says "woe to those who cause any one of the little ones to stumble, it would have been better if he had a milstone on his neck and be cast in the sea" Let us heed the words of our Lord, we do not know the day or the hour when he will come! What is important is to live each day as if it were our last! Let us seek to do his will on earth which is love and mercy itself for we will be judged by how much we have loved more than anything else! There is a prayer at mass that goes ...and keep us from all unnecessary anxiety as we wait for your kingdom! God bless you all.


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