Christ is King......

Last Sunday, we celebrated the solemnity of Christ the King! In this great feast we are reminded that Jesus is the true King and highest power in the universe! He is subject to none and Lord and master of all things in Heaven, on earth and in the underworld! We also remember that although Christ has dominion over all things, his motto on earth was "i am among you as one who serves"

When the mother of James and John approached Jesus seeking glory for her sons and asking that one sit on his left and one on his right, he told her that those positions would only be granted to those chosen by the Father! Later on he called the disciples to himself as they were grumbling over what she had just requested. He told them that his kingdom was not like the kingdoms of this world where royalty crushed and oppressed their subjects, lording over them! In Christ's kingdom whoever wants to be first, must be last and servant of all!

The humility of Christ is truly a marvel considering he is God come to earth to become man and through his humility he has conquered all things including death. There is only one who comes close to such humility and i wonder what joy it gave God for her to echo her son's humility in these words " I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word" Now the son is glorified together with his mother Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth!

May your kingdom come, May your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! All Glory, power and honor are yours Jesus, true King and ruler of all, forever and ever!


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