JB lifestyle is a blog about my personal experiences and views on life. i would like you to be able to make a positive impact on the world and people everywhere. feel free to share your life experiences
with me too!
I am sometimes selfish, it is one of my weaknesses as a person. I pray that God gives me a selfless heart so that i can give, and not just give but give with a joyful heart. When we are being charitable, it is important not to grumble inwardly but to give freely with joy. I know it is hard because it goes against our selfish nature but truth be told, it feels good to help out someone in need. We hold on to so many things that we do not need anymore. Our basements and storage spaces are filled with things we may not need anymore but we just keep holding on to them. However one important thing to note when being charitable especially when giving away things is, you need to respect the dignity of the person receiving. Do not give them torn clothing, or things that are basically best thrown out in the trash! Lets also understand that people receiving are human beings and we all want to receive good things. A priest once told me that when we are giving, we should give something ...
In the recent past weeks i have truly been shocked and saddened by the situation of xenophobia in south Africa. Some sections of south Africans have been burning and killing other Africans who are not citizens of south Africa saying they are taking jobs meant for citizens. I have even heard that some teachers in schools are asking foreign students why they came to study in south Africa. Given south Africa's turbulent racial past, this truly baffles me. The late Nelson Mandela must be rolling in his grave right now. He fought for the racial freedoms of black Africans. How can we turn on our own people? Granted, racism is abhorrent but i just cant understand violence against your own race! South Africans need to do something about this. Stand up and fight this evil before it destroys you as a country. For those foreign African nationals living in fear, our prayers are with you! I can imagine how difficult it is to live your home and start a life somewhere only to have it des...
Last week i mentioned that i would be going on pilgrimage. I was in a little village in Rwanda called Kibeho. It is a remote place towards the border with Burundi on top of rather steep hills. For those who have not heard about Kibeho, it is the site of the appartions of the blessed virgin Mary since the early 80's. It is also now associated with the divine mercy devotion as well! To summarise a beautiful message, Our mother calls us to repent and have a true conversion of heart. There is so much hatred, selfishness and bitterness in this world. Too much of a spirit of unforgiveness! When she first appeared she showed them the visions of what would come to pass if people did not convert. (the genocide). Our mother truly loves us and does not want to see our destruction. Unfoirtunatley human beings are stubborn and what she had foretold did indeed come to pass. In 1994, the horror of the genocide became a reality and the river run red with the blood of slaughtered people, headl...
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