Am i not here.....I who am your mother?

The above words were spoken by our lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego, a recent convert to christianity in Mexico at a time when south america was steeped in culture of darkness and death (human sacrifice especially among the native tribes of mexico). He was anxious about the message he had been given by our lady and thought of it as too difficult. He was trying to escape when he encountered our lady and she spoke those calming words to him.

We recently celebrated the feast of Mary, mother of God! Mary is the mother of our saviour and the mother of all christendom and the human race. Children need the soothing touch of their mothers especially when experiencing difficulties. It is unfortunate that some people have lost their mothers or been abandoned by them in life.

However when we are faced with challenges and difficulties, the storms of life, we need only remember that we have the most tender of mothers, Mary. She is the undoer of knots and we only need to call out to her and she will help us. She will embrace us with her immense love and calm the storms of life. Most importantly she will lead us to him who is our salvation....Jesus christ!
God bless you all!


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