Rest in Peace....we all want that for the people close to us and any one who has passed on from this life. Its very nice to wish those who have died a peaceful rest but our assumption that they are in a better place and indeed resting is very wrong. It may bring the relatives and friends of those close to them some comfort but we need to be ready to accept the truth!

No matter how many tears are shed for the deceased, they cannot help them if you do not PRAY! We are all sinners and have not kept God's commandments faithfully! Only the pure of heart shall see God! Heaven is a place of purity and goodness where we shall see God as he truly is and possess him fully! Oh , how the thought of being there fills me with hope. But we must remmeber that we can only go there when our souls are pure!

Purgatory exists because of God's mercy. It is a place of purification and suffering. The souls there suffer immensely becuase they long to be joined to their creator but know that they must be purified first before they can meet him. It is an  indescribable fire that consumes them but their hope cannot be doused because they know one day they will see God possess him! How many of our dear ones are spending years and years waiting because we do not pray for them?

In the words of St. Pio , "Let us empty purgatory with our prayers". Never assume your loved ones are resting in peace, it is a spiritual work of mercy to pray for the deceased. God bless you all!

PS : Our lady of Kibeho tells us we cannot hope to enter heaven without embracing suffering! Take up your cross daily and follow Jesus.


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