Slip of the tongue.....

Recently, a certain president made very inflammatory statements which he cannot take back. Your reputation is the best thing you have and in my opinion, a good reputation is better than all the money in the world. Once your reputation is gone, you cannot get it back. I know everybody deserves a second chance but we need to watch what we say! Once the words are out, they cannot be taken back!

I have been reflecting on moments in my life when i wanted to say something really horrible to someone close to me and you know what? Am so glad i held my tongue because that would have been a grave mistake and it would have hurt them terribly!

I honestly believe in walking away when you feel extremely angry or upset with someone or a situation. Confrontations usually get out of hand and we end up saying things we shouldnt or things we dont really mean but the damage is done once the words are out and they cant be unspoken. I am not saying dont confront people when the situation demands it. I am saying approach someone with a cool head and with calmness. Be firm but do not allow yourself to speak froma place of anger.

Ps : St. James tells us in the new testament to watch out for the tongue. We best heed his advice.


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