Integrity in Journalism

How interesting or captivating a story is, can be determined by how it is told or by the person telling it! In my opinion, journalists do tell stories but are they all true or is there an extra something added to make them famous or sell their publications? How far would they really go for a story?

Sometimes the truth can be really captivating but could end up destroying people's lives! Journalists need to have some intergrity as well. Think hard before you publish something inflamatory, it could ruin someone. I know it is important to get the truth out there but how we do it matters!

Its  a balancing act, i guess. Journalists need to know when to publish something and when to let it go! We are all human after all, our reputations are the best thing we own and its really hard to repair them once they are tarnished. May God grant us the grace to learn the wisdom of silence. There is an Arab proverb that says "only speak when the words you are to say are more beautiful than silence"

PS : I am not saying journalists shouldn't publish the truth. They just need to be more cautious about what they write especially if it will cause a scandal!


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