Putting God first!

"Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all the rest will fall in line" In yesterday's Gospel reading Jesus rebukes the scribes and pharisees yet again because they had lost sight of what it meant to be a true believer! They placed more importance on the "gifts" and Glory of the temple rather than who dwelt within it!

We all have temporal needs and daily struggles in life but do we allow them to distract us from what is truly important in life. All things will end in time but how have we prepared for our life in the here after? Spiritual needs are more important than the physical and we need to focus more on that. How have we touched the lives of those we encounter? Did we leave them changed by the warmth of God's love? Have we remembered them in our prayers?

God is and should be our everything. In him, we will find every consolation and the fulfilment of our every need. We can only be fulfilled and truly happy when we are living in him and for him. As Jesus says, "the flesh offers nothing.....only the spirit gives life". We are nothing without God! "Our hearts are restless untill they rest in you!


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